SMK Usage Guide

A versatile and lightweight toolkit for building a simple web map.

This project is maintained by qqnluaq

SMK / Configuration / Layers

ESRI Dynamic Layer

This is default configuration for the ESRI Dynamic layer. Click on a property name for more information:

{ "layers": [ {
    "type":            "esri-dynamic",
    "id":              null,
    "title":           null,
    "opacity":         null,
    "isVisible":       false,
    "isQueryable":     true,
    "minScale":        null,
    "maxScale":        null,
    "metadataUrl":     null,
    "popupTemplate":   null,
    "titleAttribute":  null,
    "attributes":      null,
    "queries":         null,
    "mpcmId":          null,
    "mpcmWorkspace":   null,
    "serviceUrl":      null,
    "dynamicLayers":   null
} ] }

Type Property

"type": String

The type of layer object.

Must be one of these values: "esri-dynamic", "vector", or "wms".

Id Property

"id": String

The unique identifier for the layer. Conventionally it is all lowercase with - separating words.


This MUST be unique within the configuration.

Title Property

"title": String

The title to show in the "layers" tool panel.

Opacity Property

"opacity": Number

The value can be from 0 (completely transparent, invisible) to 1 (opaque). This opacity value is applied over any opacity that may already configured for the layer on the server where it rendered.

IsVisible Property

"isVisible": Boolean

If true, then the layer is visible when the map initializes. Default is false.

IsQueryable Property

"isQueryable": Boolean

If true, the layer is able to be queried by the "identify" tool. Defaults to true.

MinScale Property

"minScale": Number

This value is the denominator of the scale value. The layer is visible if the current scale is greater than the minimum scale value for the layer.

MaxScale Property

"maxScale": Number

This value is the denominator of the scale value. The layer is visible if the current scale is less than the maximum scale value for the layer.

MetadataUrl Property

"metadataUrl": String

The URL that will be used as a link to additional metadata of this layer.

PopupTemplate Property

"popupTemplate": String

A string that contains a Vue template. The template is used to construct the popup that appears when presenting a feature, in the "identify" tool, "query" tool, and "select" tool.

The model that is available to the template:

// layer configuration
layer.attributes // array of objects: { visible, title, name }

// current feature
feature.title // object: attribute key:value

TitleAttribute Property

"titleAttribute": String

The name of the attribute to use as the title for a feature from this layer.

Attributes Property

"attributes": Array

An array of attribute objects. Used to control how feature attributes appear in the popup that is used by the "identify" tool, "query" tool, and "select" tool.


The order of the attribute objects, is the order they will appear in the popup. If this property is null or missing, then the popup will show all the attributes of the feature, using the internal field names. If this property is an empty array ([]), then no attributes will be shown for the feature.

Queries Property

"queries": Array

An array of query objects. These are query definitions which are used by the "query" tool to allow the user to specify query parameters, and show the results of these parameterized queries on the map.

MpcmId Property

"mpcmId": String

The ID used for this layer in the DataBC Layer Catalog.

MpcmWorkspace Property

"mpcmWorkspace": String

The workspace used for this layer in the DataBC Layer Catalog.

ServiceUrl Property

"serviceUrl": String

The URL for the DataBC Layer Catalog.

DynamicLayers Property

"dynamicLayers": Array

A listing of dynamic layer configurations. This will typically only contain one dynamic feature, which can be derived from the MPCM Layer Catalog.