SMK Usage Guide

A versatile and lightweight toolkit for building a simple web map.

This project is maintained by qqnluaq


Setting up SMK Development Environment

Clone this repo, let’s say into projects/smk.

Install NodeJS.

After NodeJS is installed, open a terminal window, and execute these commands:

> cd projects/smk

# Install node modules:
> npm install

# Build smk into dist/
> npm run build

# Start a simple web server to serve dist/
> npm run serve

Point browser at https://localhost:8443/debug. Visit ‘layout’, and then ‘header’ for example.

Automatically rebuild SMK source

If you would like to build SMK in development mode, and rebuild automatically when the code changes, then do this:

> cd projects/smk
> npm run debug

In another terminal window:

> cd projects/smk
> npm run serve

Edit the code in src or debug, but don’t edit anything in dist. When you save changes, the code will automatically rebuild.

VS Code Integration

If you are editing this project in VS Code, there is a build task and launch configuration defined.

Open VS Code to the projects/smk folder, and hit F5 (or select Run|Start Debugging). This will build the code, and then open Chrome with the debugger attached to VS Code.

Code Organization