SMK Usage Guide

A versatile and lightweight toolkit for building a simple web map.

This project is maintained by qqnluaq

SMK / Configuration / Layers

Layer Style Objects

This object defines the styling for a "vector" layer. The "style" property can contain one of these objects or an array of many of these objects. When multiple styles are defined, then each feature in the layer is rendered in each style successively. This is a way to build more complex styles.

If a point feature is being rendered, the "marker..." properties are used. If the "markerUrl" property isn’t defined, then a circle is rendered instead, using the "stroke..." and "fill..." properties. The circle radius will be half of the "strokeWidth" property.

A style object contains is defined with these properties, which have these default values. Click on a property name for more information:

    "stroke":          true,
    "strokeColor":     "#3388ff",
    "strokeWidth":     3,
    "strokeOpacity":   1,
    "strokeCap":       "round",
    "strokeJoin":      "round",
    "strokeDashes":    null,

    "fill":            false,
    "fillColor":       "#3388ff",
    "fillOpacity":     0.2,

    "markerUrl":       null,
    "markerSize":      null,
    "markerOffset":    null
    "shadowUrl":       null,
    "shadowSize":      null,

Stroke Property

"stroke": Boolean

If true, then the line or border of the feature is styled according to the "stroke..." properties. The default value is true.

StrokeColor Property

"strokecolor": String

The CSS-style color code for the line or polygon outline.

StrokeWidth Property

"strokewidth": Number

Width of a line or polygon outline in pixels.

StrokeOpacity Property

"strokeopacity": Number

The opacity of the line or polygon outline. The value is in range from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).

StrokeCap Property

"strokecap": String

The shape of the end cap on a line segment. Can be one of: "butt", "round", or "square".

StrokeJoin Property

"strokejoin": String

The shape of the join between two line segments. Can be one of: "miter", "round", or "bevel".

StrokeDashes Property

"strokedashes": String

A list of white space separated segment lengths that specify the size of alternating dashes and gaps.

StrokeDashOffset Property

"strokedashOffset": Number

An offset on the beginning of the associated dash array.

Fill Property

"fill": Boolean

If true, then the interior of the feature is styled according to the "fill..." properties. The default value is false.

FillColor Property

"fillcolor": String

The CSS-style color code to use filling the polygon feature.

FillOpacity Property

"fillopacity": Number

The opacity of the polygon fill. The value is in range from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).

MarkerUrl Property

"markerurl": String

The URL to use for custom point marker symbol.

MarkerSize Property

"markersize": Array

The size of the marker image, as an array [ width, height ].

MarkerOffset Property

"markeroffset": Array

The offset of the marker image from the origin, as an array [ left, top ].

ShadowUrl Property

"shadowurl": String

The URL to use for custom point marker shadow.

ShadowSize Property

"shadowsize": Array

The size of the shadow image, as an array [ width, height ].